Be part of a modern, inspiring and vibrant training, enabling a new generation of farmers and growers to meet the challenges of future work on the land.

We’re always looking for agroecological farms and gardens to provide work placements for our trainees and work with biodynamic, organic and permaculture solutions. By offering work placements you will contribute to expanding the agroecological movement, help new entrants gain skills and knowledge, benefit from committed and engaged workers, and nurture potential future staff and succession for your own enterprise.

Many training centres join because they have an existing volunteer or worker who would like to complete the BDAC diploma in Biodynamic Farming and Growing. Others join because they’d like to hire someone who is interested in the 2-year training. Either is fine and we can assist with recruiting a suitable candidate if necessary.

You can learn more by reading our Information for Work Placements and looking at our Work Placement Application Form.

If you’d like to learn more about offering a work placement and becoming a training centre, please get in touch: