The Kitchen Garden People
The Kitchen Garden People is a successful CSA growing hyper local salad and vegetables following organic principles for great taste and zero waste. Our plot is based at FarmED, a Centre for Regenerative Agriculture in the Cotswolds and we share much of their ethos when it comes to valuing biodiversity and recognising the importance of the soil food web in food farming and education.
The Kitchen Garden People comprises a small core team and seasonal staff in all aspects of running the business. We work closely as a team, each taking on a set of responsibilities, yet sharing the harvesting and growing tasks so that we rarely work a whole day alone and everyone gets their hands dirty. We are a small, open team and will involve the trainee in all aspects of the business.
The plot is approximately 5 acres, with a field scale area, sections of smaller permanent no-dig raised beds and 900m2 of polytunnel space. We specialise in no dig and strip cover crop/veg growing. We primarily use hand tools but some small scale machinery is also used. We currently grow a wide range of vegetables to supply 120 local families with a weekly veg box and supply the FarmEAT kitchens at FarmED with farm to fork produce.
The trainee will have opportunities to be involved and learn about all aspects of small scale organic vegetable production in the field and polytunnel areas (propogation, weed control, pest management, irrigation, fertility/rotation management, harvesting, etc.). You will also be involved in business management of the CSA.
We generally take enquiries and interview potential new trainees over autumn and winter so our work force is all set for the growing season
Working hours fluctuate depending on the season and while we work longer hours in the summer, you will enjoy reduced hours over winter. We can provide support in finding accommodation locally though we cannot provide this directly. Meals are provided at work in onsite cafe and the trainee would have access the wider farm, facilities such as the extensive agricultural library and courses at FarmED.
To learn more or express interest email Dan Betterton danbetterton@gmail.com